Monday, October 17, 2011


Let's face it. Mondays can be hard.

But, the great thing is that God prepares small little things throughout our day to bring a smile to our heart, even amidst the worst of days.

All you have to do is open your eyes and your heart to see them.

Because, at the end of the day, you can't dwell on the bad things that bring you down. Instead, you must look at the things that made you laugh, smile, or just be ok for that moment.

Did you have any moments like that today?

I did.

Wanna hear about them? Well, you're gonna.

Things that made me smile today:

1. When running on Town Lake today, I saw the UT novice rowing team congregating for a run and it brought back wonderful memories of the days when I was doing that same thing... and it made me smile.

2. Later on my run, I saw a pregnant woman and her husband out for a walk and they both stopped, the man knelt down and tied his wife's shoes because she couldn't bend over to do it. It was so sweet. I hope I have a husband who will tie my shoes when my pregnant belly stops me from doing it myself.

3. These flowers that I bought at Whole Foods.


4. I was back at school and surrounded by people who make me laugh and learn and grow all at the same time. I am so blessed.

5. God is good.

Just keepin' it real.



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