Saturday, August 27, 2011

For the Love of Food

WARNING: I am about to climb up on my soap box for a bit. If you don't want to hear my frustrations of the world, stop reading now. If you want to read about my new mission, please continue.  And, please, forgive my crazy.

I was going to write about this a lot later on – after I had the chance to process through the thoughts and get more to talk about – but I changed my mind. It can't wait.

I think one of the greatest food endemics that is crippling our nation, next to hunger and obesity, is dieting. As I was sitting in cooking class, listening to people talk about struggles they had with food throughout their lives because they were constantly on one diet or another, I realized that we are fed diet lies. Culture goes from one diet to the next and then on to the new miracle diet drug. On top of all the diet fads, there are all the frozen "healthy" meals that claim to be healthy for one reason or another, but when you look closely, there are dozens of ingredients on the side of the box, most of which you can't even pronounce.

The thing that pushed me over the edge and really encouraged me to talk about this now, rather than later, was a commercial I heard on the radio. It was a commercial for a eating suppressant. The man in the commercial applauded the drug's ability to suppress his appetite to the extent that he forgot to eat for a whole day. He raved about the natural drug's impact on his weight loss.

[Before I get into my rant, let me give this disclaimer: I understand that dieting is necessary in some cases. There are definitely people who need to shift their eating habits to eat less and eat healthier. Furthermore, I am referring merely to a diet in the sense of eating less or depriving your body of food.]

Here's the thing I don't agree with or understand. Skipping meals is not the answer. How can you expect your body to perform the way it is supposed to when you are depriving it of fuel and nutrients? How can you hope to remedy your bad eating habits when all you do is STOP? Bad eating habits need to be retrained, not simply ignored.

Beyond that, so many people have bad relationships with food. Food is not something to fear or dislike. Food can be healing. Food can be life-changing. Food can be euphoric. That is what I want to make people realize. I want people to stop fighting with food, but instead fall in love with it.

So, how can that be done? Well, I think the most practical way is to show people that eating can do your body good. Also, you can eat glorious foods and still be healthy.

That is why I am implementing For the Love of Food Fridays.

Starting next Friday, we will begin exploring this idea of scrumptious, yet healthy and nourishing, foods. 

I hope you'll join me.

In ending, I want to pass along a brilliant outlook that one of my classmates presented. As a vegan, she struggles with people asking her what she can or can't eat. In response, she clarifies that it is not about what she CAN eat but, instead, what she CHOOSES to eat. So, for those of you who are struggling with a diet or changing your eating habits, try looking at food with that outlook. CHOOSE not to eat that unhealthy food and stick to your guns. Make the change. Make the choice. 



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