Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Kind of Confession

I have a confession to make. I watch Martha Stewart. I can remember times when I was in middle school when, during the summers, I would wake up and watch The Martha Stewart Show (followed, of course, by The Price is Right).

I loved watching her do crafts, cook, and be rude to her guests. My favorite episodes were when she couldn't do a particular craft or recipe that her guest was trying to do and she would try to hide her frustration.

But, as much I may have claimed it, I didn't watch Martha just to make fun.

I enjoyed it.

She was brilliant. Since I didn't have cable back then and the Food Network wasn't big yet, she was one of the first to have a show in which she taught people to cook. She made cooking relatable and made even the most complicated recipe seem easy.

Watching her show probably contributed in some small way to my love of cooking. She stirred my curiosity to cook new things and try recipes that take too much time and look a bit daunting. So, thank you Martha.

Just yesterday I was looking through my cookbooks and found these little jewels:

They were published in 1999... Pre-jail Martha. I think I got them for Christmas. Which goes to show that my interest in Martha's show was no secret from my family.

Also, while flipping through the channels over the break I came across Martha's new show on Hallmark channel. I tried to watch for a few minutes but didn't get the same enamored feeling that held me captive when I was younger. I'd rather read a good blog than watch her awkward interactions with her guests.

Oh well, it's good to reminisce.



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